The Jammers Behind the Blog

Most of you may know who we are. Some of you may not.
So this page is dedicated to helping you get to know us
just a little bit better! So here is our story!
This is us. 
I am Tater1228 ,the blue wolf, and my
partner in crime in Lightningstar60 ,the orange wolf,
(Duh Tater that is the only other wolf in the picture)
Lightning and I are real life best friends. We pretty
much do everything together. And "everything" used
to be just playing Aniaml Jam all day :P Now a days we
can't just play Animal Jam :( Joys of growing up I guess..
Lightning was the one who introduced me to Animal
Jam and I was hooked right away after that!
We had many fun times of trading items, hanging
out with buddies and leading our pride and joy...
Storm pack! Oh how I love those memories...Anyways,
later in our Animal Jam journey I met a friend
named Herber. Herber is the one who got us
interested in making a blog. She had a blog of her
own, which was amazing, and that was when I
began to want to make a blog as well! So she helped
us get started with this blog! Which I am very greatful for! :)
And now this blog has become pretty popular and
I am just so grateful for all of our followers! I don't
know what we would do with out you guys! :)
I know this wasn't much information..
But its the important stuff! If you guys want
a more detailed page about Lightning and I
Let us know below!
Heh so yeah.

Jam On Jammers!

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